Wednesday, September 23, 2009


It is September 23, 2009 and my 33rd birthday.  There are many positive things in my life - I have a great husband, a wonderful family and two beautiful children.  I have much to be grateful for.  And yet, I am not all that happy.  I am constantly worried about money, my weight, the way I am raising my children and why I can't seem to find something in my life that I feel really passionate about doing.  I feel that every day is a struggle and I am just trying to get through the day.  I have things that I enjoy doing, cooking and writing for example, but nothing that makes me excited to hop out of bed in the morning.  Today I want to change that!  If I am unhappy with my life than I have to be the one to make that change.  I am responsible for my own happiness and today is the day I accept that responsibility. 

I was given the book "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay and her words are my inspiration for this test.  Hay says "what we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us...(we) are responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst...(and) the thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences."  These words made me wonder how much of my own negativity is creating the parts of my life that I am unhappy with.  Am I sending out the wrong message to the universe?  What would happen to my life if I sent out a more positive message? 

Today, September 23, 2009, I am committing myself to one year of positive thinking.  I will challenge myself to change my thought patterns and beliefs and create for myself the life I desire.  I will try new things and work to set a positive example for my children.  I will start each post with a positive affirmation and discuss any challenges, breakthroughs and stories that occur as a result of my efforts.  It must be noted that in testing the power of positive thinking that it is not about dismissing reality or being unrealistic.  It is about changing my thought patterns and creating the life I want. 

I welcome you along this journey and I hope that within one year I will be waking up and looking forward to the day ahead.  Perhaps I can even inspire you to do the same.

Day 1 Affirmation: Whatever I am guided to do will be a success.
(Affirmation from "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay)


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