Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Affirmation: All my experiences are part of the richness and fullness of my life.
(Affirmation from "Meditations to Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay)

With every test comes a challenge and testing the power of positive thinking is no different. Over the weekend I woke up in a crappy mood both days and for no particular reason. Saturday I was able to switch my mood fairly quickly but Sunday proved to be much more difficult. I started getting frustrated with myself for not being positive which was even more unproductive. Consequently I decided to just accept my mood and not fight it. I’m not sure why I thought that it was unacceptable to be in a bad mood. It’s part of life and I actually discovered that accepting my mood and not trying to change it actually helped it dissipate faster. Sometimes we just have to accept who we are and how we are feeling.

While change is important, today I want to focus on self-acceptance. Self-acceptance is really self love and in order to make positive changes in our life we have to be able to accept some of our faults and recognize the things we are good at. One of my biggest worries in life is whether or not I am being a good mom. I want so badly to provide an excellent, loving home for my babies so they will not end up on a therapist’s couch detailing the horrible things I did to them that have screwed them up forever. Then I opened a parenting magazine, Cookie, and found an article by Nell Casey entitled “The Optimist’s Child.” The article states that “you have to work pretty darn hard to screw up your kids.” The article talks about how parents’ choices do affect children but they are not binding for the rest of their lives and if you parent with love in the best way you know how it will all be ok. Essentially our children will not be forever scarred if we are not in a good mood everyday or put on an extra cartoon here and there. What a relief! In the spirit of self-acceptance I decided to make a quick list of those things that I do well as a parent:

I feed my children healthy food and am teaching them how to cook

I play with my children and give them a lot of attention

I am willing to work hard every day to make a better life for them

I know in my heart that despite whatever mistakes I am making I am also doing a lot of things really well. I adore my children and I think that in the long run that is what they will remember about their childhood so I have to give myself a break. As my very wise 84 year old grandmother said, “Stop thinking about it all so much. It’s obvious to everyone but you sometimes how much you love your children.”

I want to leave you today with a positive story in which my 4 year old son taught me an invaluable lesson. He adores baseball and hits left handed. His grandfather was pitching to him yesterday and he was attempting to bat right handed and not doing particularly well. I said to him, “you should switch back to left it’s easier for you.” He looked me straight in the eye and said “don’t worry mom, I can do it.” And he did. He had no question of his ability and proved to me that if we say we can do something than we can do it. I hope his ability to think positively will carry on throughout his life. I am so proud!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Affirmation: I am in the most wonderful transition time, and I enjoy every moment of it.
(Affirmation from "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay)

Yesterday I received a fabulous gift for my birthday from a wonderful aunt and uncle – the book “My Life in France” by Julia Child. I recently saw the movie Julie & Julia and loved it! It is a movie I highly recommend as it is funny and inspiring and a beautiful testament to the power of a loving relationship. I was thrilled to receive this book because Julia Child was one of those people that radiated light and happiness. The book, as the title suggests, is about her life in France and how it changed her forever. I have just begun reading the book but I had to share a snippet from the introduction because I found it so powerful. Child says, “Those early years in France were among the best of my life. They marked a crucial period of transformation in which I found my true calling, experienced an awakening of the senses, and had such fun that I hardly stopped moving long enough to catch my breath.”

Isn’t this what we are all looking for? To wake up in the morning and be incredibly excited about our lives. To have such passion and inspiration. When Julia Child moved to France she didn’t know how to cook, she didn’t speak French, she essentially knew nothing about the new world she was living in and yet she embraced it. She dove into the culture and the people and found true joy and happiness. I think we could all learn from this. How can we adapt and love the place we are in right now?

Today look around at your surroundings and notice their beauty. Grab a good cup of coffee or your favorite pastry or have a glass of wine out on the porch. Enjoy the small pleasures of life because they really are the best things life has to offer. If you are truly inspired, try a new recipe tonight and indulge in the aromas. Take each bite slowly and enjoy the process instead of focusing on filling your belly.

Start something today that will allow you to be so happy that you can’t catch your breath!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Affirmation: It is a joy and a delight to plant new seeds, for I know these seeds will become my experiences.
(Affirmation from "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay)

Have you ever gone on a diet and lost a couple of pounds right away and felt twice as motivated to accomplish your goal? This is how I felt yesterday. After my first posting I had to go and get new tires on my car (never fun) and I had to take my 21 month old daughter along with me (imagine my excitement). Luckily there was a nice breakfast place across the way and I decided that I would take the opportunity to have a wonderful birthday breakfast with my baby girl. I was determined to enjoy the experience. We ordered pancakes and eggs and we laughed and visited with other customers. We made the most of it! When my daughter and I returned from a bathroom break I asked the waitress for my bill and she informed me that the gentlemen across from us had covered our tab. He was still there and I said, “Thank you so much. Why did you do that?” and he replied, “Something just told me you could use that today.” I had never told him it was my birthday and yet he responded to the positive vibe I sent out. I could hardly believe that the universe had responded to my positive energy so quickly. The breakfast wasn’t very expensive and it wasn’t about the money. It was about the gesture and more importantly it was about the rewards one receives when changing their thought patterns. Instead of looking at the situation as a negative, something to survive and get through, I turned it into a really pleasant experience. Needless to say, I became twice as motivated to continue on with my year of positive thinking.

At this point I think it’s important to clarify my goals. There are things I want to change in my life and things I want to be better and it’s imperative to recognize those things in order for change to be made. In the past my list of things to change looked like this:

Stop eating so much
Stop spending so much
Get yourself organized
Be a better parent

Notice how negative these goals are. Louise L. Hay notes in “You Can Heal Your Life” that all “too often we think in negative affirmations…[which] only create more of what you say you don’t want.” Hays says instead we need to “continually make positive statements about how [we] want life to be.” It is critical then to not focus on what you are doing wrong or the things you should be doing. Here is what my goal list looks like now…

I love and accept my body and will honor it by eating only when physically hungry, choosing healthy foods and giving my body the exercise it needs. Dieting and weight obsession are no longer part of my life. I am ready to honor my body.

I am ready to find my life’s work. I am willing to accept new challenges.

I deserve to be prosperous and I now accept prosperity in my life.

I am ready to be a calm, loving, patient mother. I allow myself to relax and enjoy my children.

It’s amazing how good it feels to just write down, in a positive light, the things you want in your life. If you’ve ever bought a new car you will notice when you drive off the lot you see the make and model of your car everywhere. Suddenly there is an influx of the particular car you just bought. That’s because you are focused on that particular thing and your mind is looking for it. The same can be true for positive and negative thoughts, so it is critical that we look for the positive – because we will find it everywhere!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


It is September 23, 2009 and my 33rd birthday.  There are many positive things in my life - I have a great husband, a wonderful family and two beautiful children.  I have much to be grateful for.  And yet, I am not all that happy.  I am constantly worried about money, my weight, the way I am raising my children and why I can't seem to find something in my life that I feel really passionate about doing.  I feel that every day is a struggle and I am just trying to get through the day.  I have things that I enjoy doing, cooking and writing for example, but nothing that makes me excited to hop out of bed in the morning.  Today I want to change that!  If I am unhappy with my life than I have to be the one to make that change.  I am responsible for my own happiness and today is the day I accept that responsibility. 

I was given the book "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay and her words are my inspiration for this test.  Hay says "what we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us...(we) are responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst...(and) the thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences."  These words made me wonder how much of my own negativity is creating the parts of my life that I am unhappy with.  Am I sending out the wrong message to the universe?  What would happen to my life if I sent out a more positive message? 

Today, September 23, 2009, I am committing myself to one year of positive thinking.  I will challenge myself to change my thought patterns and beliefs and create for myself the life I desire.  I will try new things and work to set a positive example for my children.  I will start each post with a positive affirmation and discuss any challenges, breakthroughs and stories that occur as a result of my efforts.  It must be noted that in testing the power of positive thinking that it is not about dismissing reality or being unrealistic.  It is about changing my thought patterns and creating the life I want. 

I welcome you along this journey and I hope that within one year I will be waking up and looking forward to the day ahead.  Perhaps I can even inspire you to do the same.

Day 1 Affirmation: Whatever I am guided to do will be a success.
(Affirmation from "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay)