Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October 13, 2009

Affirmation: I embrace and accept life’s changes.

In the November 2009 issue of Oprah magazine there is an entire section entitled, “Who Are You Meant to Be?” It has questionnaires and several articles that I highly recommend if you are feeling stuck in your job or just trying to figure out what you want to do in life. Today I’d like to focus on one of the articles in particular, as it deals with change. The article is written by Amy Bloom and is entitled, “But What If I’m Scared of Change?”

In changing our thought patterns and looking at life in a more positive light – putting positive vibrations into the world – we are bound to come across change. Change can be good or bad but is often uncomfortable and can keep us stuck in a rut. As scary as change can be, Bloom points out that “even if you make no changes in your lousy marriage, your stultifying job, or your painful relationship with your brother, all those things will change anyway. Your only choice is to take steps toward change.” Bloom further notes that “change is as inevitable as rain in the spring. Some of us just put on our raincoats and splash forward, some of us choose to stay home, a few admirable nuts shed their clothes and cavort in the yard, and some people go out and get deeply, resentfully, and miserably wet. And not matter what, the rain falls.” The bottom line is that we can try as we may to run away from change but there is no escaping it. Change is as inevitable as death – and as necessary! So why do we fight it so much?

There have been some changes in my life that I have fully embraced and others that I have fought. I was thrilled at getting pregnant and having babies (although I admit I didn’t fully understand how drastic and life altering those changes would be). Other changes I have fought and as a result it has kept me stuck. For example, I have worked in offices for many years (before becoming a stay at home mom), and although I have always been quite good at these jobs, they have never been that fulfilling. I always desire more – more responsibility, more challenges, etc. And yet, whenever I look for a new job, I look for the same kind of job I have always done. Why? Good question! Because I am good at it, I understand it, I feel comfortable in that realm. What if I am horrible at something else? What if I fail?

I think the biggest reason for fighting changes in our life is fear. We are afraid of what we don’t know. A little bit of this fear is healthy – it protects us and keeps us safe. But too much fear hinders our ability to move forward and really experience all life has to offer. If, for example, you never travel anywhere because you are unsure of what is out there you might ensure that your life is safe and predictable. But, you are also ensuring that you will miss out on the beauty of the world, the knowledge you can gain from other cultures, and the chance to challenge yourself and live your life to the fullest.

I tend to learn most of my lessons from my children and change is no exception. Whether I like it or not my children are going to change and grow. And I want them to! As cute as they are as babies they will eventually get older. Part of me looks forward to that (less physical work for me) and part of me is deeply saddened that they are growing so fast. But I have no control over their growth. They will grow and change whether I like it or not, so embracing each stage of their life seems a much more graceful approach.

What type of change do you fear? Is it keeping you stuck? How can you embrace this change? Today I challenge you to embrace or make an important change in your life. Remember that as scary as change can be, if you stay positive and embrace whatever might come your way, you are bound to reap tremendous rewards.

1 comment:

  1. We all resist change at some time or another.
    funny thou- it is one of the only constants in life and what keeps us going. Change is unchanging.
    Write on Girl! :)


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