Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October 14, 2009

Affirmation: I choose to remain in the present moment.

Actress Julianna Margulies (remember her from E.R) recently made a comment in regard to raising her young son. She said, “We tend to rehash the past and rehearse the future. You can fret as much as you want, and it’s not going to change anything. Why not get through with grace and ease?” This comment really resonated with me because when you have children, especially young ones, they seem to be getting older at lightning speed but sometimes the days seem to drag on and on. I have many a times thought, “Oh, it will be so much easier when they are older and can do for themselves.” And then I immediately feel saddened because I realize I’m wishing away my time with them. Right now they are banging on the bathroom door and following me around the house to spend time with me, but someday I will be knocking on their doors begging to talk.

I think it’s quite common to spend a lot of time wishing you had done things differently in the past or deciding how you will change the future. And while I do believe it’s important to set goals, we can’t get so wrapped up in our plans that we forget to enjoy the moment we are in. Positive thinking must be used in our present moments in order for our lives to be happy. When our kids are screaming or fighting we must remind ourselves that this will pass and to take a deep breath. Before we know it they will be out of the house and the quiet will be too much to bear.

Living in the present moment can transfer to all areas of our lives. If for some reason we are not happy with our jobs, for example, we should be examining why that is and what we really want to do with our lives. We must put out a positive vibe and let the world know that we are ready for change. In the meantime, however, we should focus on aspects we do like about our jobs. Think about the tasks that you enjoy doing or certain people that you work with that really make the day pleasant.

Country music star Faith Hill has a song entitled, “The Secret of Life is a Good Cup of Coffee.” The song talks about how the little things, like a good cup of coffee, are what make life so wonderful. Things you enjoy in the present moment. I for one am thoroughly enjoying the cup of coffee I am drinking now and the few moments of quiet I presently have before my children wake up. Today I pledge to enjoy playing blocks with my children and watching yet another episode of Dora. I plan to soak up every moment watching my son playing T-ball and enjoy every little hug and kiss that comes my way today. And when the moments get tough, I will take Margulies’ advice and remember that “this is just one moment, whatever kind of moment it is,” and I will choose to live more peacefully.


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